
The Expression Description File (EDF) presents an editorial interpretation of a text.

This means that for example a title or the structure reflected in the file should not reflect the structure or content of any one particular manuscript witness.

References to existing entities in the SCTA system is done with the URL of the given resource. So a reference to Adam Wodeham would be In the EDF files the namespace sctar (SCTA Resource) will preface any such resource ids.

The EDF files are used for constructing entities in the system. When references are made to already existing entities, the sctar: namespace is used. But in the case of ids of expressions or structural divs, the id does not refer to something existing before the EDF file is ingested, but is rather created during ingestion, and will therefore occur without the namespace.

EDF Root

EDF file must contain and EDF root, which contains precisely two children <header> and <body>.

edf MUST declare the included namespaces.




A header contains a creationStmt.



Creation Stmt


The creationStmt should contain information about the file itself (e.g. when it was created, what schema it is validated against, etc).





Body is the bulk of the file which records the text hierarchy.


  <!-- contains nested divs -->

Top Level Div


The Top Level Div is the highest level of the expression, also called the top level expression. Because it is the top level it is allowed certain properties not allowed to child divs. For example only the top level div can contain a parentWork or parentWorkGroup field, because only top level expressions can be children of a work or workGroup.


  • MUST contain @id (resource id).
  • MAY contain @type. It MUST contain SCTA supported values for expression types.
  • MUST contain a titleStmt as a child node.
  • titleStmt MUST contain at least one of structureTitle, alternativeTitle, descriptiveTitle, and questionTitle according to the description in the section below.
  • MUST contain at least one contributor element (resource id).
  • contributor SHOULD contain @role. It MUST contain SCTA supported values for contributor roles.
  • MAY contain dc:description. It cannot contain any child elements, and should be no more than 250 words.
  • MUST contain work, which contains a unique id to a work.
  • work MAY have @isCanonical.
  • work MUST have @parentWorkGroup (resource id) when it has @isCanonical.
  • dc:date MUST contain a EDTF compliant date.


  • What to do when creating EDF with unregistered resources?
  • Possible values for @parentWorkGroup?
  • How to determine whether there is already a work id for an EDF?
  • Possible div/@types values?
  • Paragraph on where we use short-ids, and where to find them...


<div id="wodehamordinatio" type="sctar:ordinatio">
    <structureTitle>Commentarius sententiarum</structureTitle>
    <descriptiveTitle />
    <questionTitle />
  <dc:description>Description of the expression.</dc:description>
  <contributor role="author">sctar:Wodeham</contributor>
  <work isCanonical="true" parentWorkGroup="sctar:sententia">sctar:w-wodehamordinatio</work>
    <!-- top level manifestation block -->
    <!-- see attribution block -->
  <!-- lower level divs and items to be added here -->

Work field

The field work reflects the FRBR concept of a Work. This field indicates which work the expression is an expression of, as there can be different expressions of a single work. The @isCanonical will indicate whether the expression described by the EDF is considered the "canonical" or "default" expression of the work in different contexts (e.g. search results). The value of the work element indicates the short id of the Work. The content of the field MUST be unique. In order to ensure the uniqueness of the id, it is recommended as best practice to use the id of the canonical expression prefixed by "w-", e.g. "w-wodehamordinatio".

The work does two things, as it both creates the entity of the work in the graph and indicate where in a hierarchy that belongs to by the @parentWorkGroup id.

work: If there is already another expression description file that is accepted as the canonical expression description type (@isCanonical='true'), the @parentWorkGroup is not required, as it is already indicated on the canonical EDF.



The titleStmt contains a set of elements indicating different types of titles on the section of text.

The order of the elements determines the default title by the first child node. If the structureTitle is empty, the following field will give the title. The structure of the items MUST be the following:

    <structureTitle />
    <alternativeTitle />
    <descriptiveTitle />
    <questionTitle />

Use of different title fields:

  • structureTitle indicates a place in the structure of the text, such as "Article 3".
  • alternativeTitle indicates an alternative name of a given question. There can be 0 to many alternative titles listed
  • descriptiveTitle indicates a descriptive statement on the subject of the text.
  • questionTitle indicates a name of a given question.


  • titleStmt MUST contain at least one of structureTitle, alternativeTitle, descriptiveTitle, and questionTitle according to the description in the section below.
  • titleStmt MAY ONLY contain 0 or 1 instance of structureTitle, alternativeTitle, descriptiveTitle.
  • titleStmt MAY contain any number of alternativeTitle elements.
  • structureTitle MAY containt @n and @label to indicate in a machine-readable the position in the structure of the work.

Top Level Manifestation Blocks


Top level manifestation blocks record all existing manifestations (manuscripts, printed books, born digital manifestations) for an expression. Information provided is also used as a reference point for item level manifestation recognition, reducing redundancy.

Top Level Manifestation Blocks and Item Level Manifestation Blocks work in tandem to identify which sections of the hierarchy are represented in which manifestations.

For example, we need not redundantly identify manifestations for every level of the hierarchy. Rather we can record that a manifestation exists for a given item. This information can then "bubble up", meaning, at any level of the hierarchy we can deduce if there is existing manifestation of that level by seeing if there are any manifestations for item children with that div. If that is that case, then we can conclude this section has that manifestation.

This need arises often in cases where a manuscript X only contains book two of a four book sequence. In this case, all the items within the book two ranges, will identify a presence in manuscript X through a reference to the top level manifestation block. From there it can be concluded that Book 2 has a manifestation in manuscript X, but we can also conclude that manuscript X does not contain manifestations of books 1, 3 or 4.

See Item Level Manifestation Blocks Below.

There is no title given explicitly for each manifestation, as that will be pulled from the codex manifestation title in the Codex Description File referenced by the codexId.


  • MUST contain at least one manifestation.
  • manifestation MUST contain a codexId (resource short id).
  • manifestation MAY contain a dc:description.


  <manifestation siglum="T">
    <dc:description>Short description of the codex manifestation.</dc:description>
  <manifestation siglum="B">
  <manifestation siglum="Ba">

Intermediate Level Divs


A div at any level below the top-level div reflect the structure of the text.


  • MAY contain titleStmt respecting its possible elements and rules.
  • MAY contain attribution respecting its possible elements and rules.
  • MAY contain dc:description.
  • MAY NOT contain manifestations.


<div id="ow-l1" type="sctar:liber">
    <structureTitle n="1" label="liber">Liber 1</structureTitle>
    Here is a short description of liber 1 of the text.
  <div id="ow-l1d1" type="sctar:liber1-distinctio1">
      <structureTitle n="1" label="distinctio">Liber 1</structureTitle>
      <questionTitle>Uti et frui</questionTitle>
    <div id="ow-l1d1p1">
        <structureTitle n="1" label="pars">Pars 1</structureTitle>
      <!-- contains items as lowest level -->



Item blocks are the lowest level text division that the EDF records.

These division correspond to directory structure and file divisions. Transcriptions for a given text need to be divided into directories with the identical name as the item@id.

Files within the item directory by default are named with the item@id plus a prefix. But this behavior can be overwritten in the transcriptions.xml file.


  • MUST have @id.
  • MAY have @type.
  • MAY contain titleStmt respecting its possible elements and rules.
  • MAY contain attribution respecting its possible elements and rules.
  • MAY contain dc:description.

Possible values in item types??


<item id='nddm-l4d1p1q1' type="sctar:quaestio">
    <structureTitle n="1" label="quaestio">Quaestio 1</structureTitle>structureTitle>
      Utrum in quolibet hominum statu fuerint aliqua sacramenta.
  <dc:description>Short description</dc:description>
    <manifestation ref="#T">
      <folio c="b">1r</folio> <!-- is there a more efficient way to do this -->
      <folio c="a">5r</folio> <!-- col. a -->

Item Level Manifestation Blocks


Item level manifestation blocks note that that this item can be found in a given manifestation through a reference to a top level manifestation block.


  • MUST contain @ref.
  • MUST contain one or more folio elements.
  • folio MAY have @c.
<manifestation ref="#T">
  <folio c="b">1r</folio>
  <folio c="a">5r</folio> <!-- col. a -->

Attribution Block


Any level of the hierarchy could take an attribution block and will apply to all children blocks. In most cases, only the top level block would take this. But when there are multiple parties responsible for different ranges with the hierarchy, lower level attribution blocks can be added.

Responsibility here is intended to apply to the maintenance of the question list and structured hierarchy of the text, not to the transcription or edition of the text. This attributions is gleaned from the transcription TEI file


  • MAY contain listEncoder.
  • MAY contain listOriginal.
  • MAY contain listSource.
  • MAY contain sponsors.
  • sponsors MUST contain at least one sponsor.
  • sponsor MUST contain name.
  • sponsor MAY contain logo as a URL to an image file.
  • sponsor MAY contain link as a URL a supporting entity.


  <listSource>Monica Article</listSource>
  <listOriginalEditor>Monica Brinzei</listOriginalEditor>
  <listEncoder>Jeffrey C. Witt</listEncoder>
    <sponsor id="erc-thesis">
      <name>ERC-THESIS project n° 313339</name>
    <sponsor id="irht">

Expression Types

the @type attribute is used to classify expressions and expression parts.

The list of available values are maintained by the SCTA community. Values are hierarchical and flow down from works groups, works, etc.

Thus, if a expression is listed as belonging to a particular workGroup, for example "Sentences commentaries", and limited list of expressionType values becomes available, for example, "ordinatio", "reportatio", "abbreviatio".

Or, lower down "liber1-distinctio1", "liber1-distinctio2", "liber1-prologus" etc.

In the case of the prologue, there is no need to classify this as both a "prologus" and a "liber1-prologus" because elsewhere "liber1-prologus" would have already been classified as a type of prologue.

If a top level expression is categorized as de anima commentary, different expression types become available, such as: "da-liber1", "da-liber2", "da-liber3", etc.

Additional optional properties could become available based on a expressionTypes.

So for example if an sentences commentary is categorized as an "abbreviatio", and <abbreviatedBy> property could become available.

Such rules can be enforced by a schematron rules, but will require a detailed list of expression types.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""